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Heads of Internal Audit Forum | Key takeaways archive

Our Heads of Internal Audit Virtual Forum provides a virtual platform for discussion and debate and has been running since March 2020.

Below is an archive of all our forum takeaways between March 2020 and June 2021.


18 May | Cyber Security Risk Profile

6 April Cultivating a healthy culture

16 March CEO perspectives

16 February | Being a brave leader

26 January | Key themes for the audit plan


1 December | Reflections on 2021

10 November | Financial resilience

13 October | Fraud - have we got it covered?

22 September | Risk in Focus 2022

18 August | BEIS white paper consultation

28 July | Auditing culture

9 June | Inspirational leadership

12 May | ESG

14 April | Board governance and the audit plan

3 March | Cyber risk and cyber culture

10 February | Audit committee expectations

13 January | Data analytics


16 December | Brexit and wider macroeconomic risks

2 December | Climate change

18 November | Disruption

4 November | Root cause

21 October | Agile auditing

7 October | Risk in Focus 2021

16 September | Culture 

2 September | Cybersecurity

19 August | Data analytics

5 August | Build back better

22 July | Meeting notes

15 July | Meeting notes

8 July | Meeting notes

1 July | Meeting notes

24 June | Meeting notes

17 June | Meeting notes

10 June | Meeting notes

3 June | Meeting notes

20 May | Meeting notes

13 May | Meeting notes

6 May | Meeting notes

29 April | Meeting notes

22 April | Meeting notes

15 April | Meeting notes

8 April | Meeting notes

1 April | Meeting notes + Q&As with local government

25 March | Meeting notes + a thank you note from the President