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Virtual forums

Our virtual forums provide an open environment to share knowledge and experience, air concerns and support each other under Chatham House rules. We currently run two forums: one for heads of internal audit and another for internal auditors in local authorities.

Heads of Internal Audit Virtual Forum

Frequency: Every two months

Our Heads of Internal Virtual Forums are interactive (MS Teams-based) and give you the opportunity to ask questions and share ideas as well as listen and learn from peers, audit committee chairs, and subject matter experts.

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Local Authority Internal Audit Virtual Forum

Frequency: Monthly

Our Local Authority Internal Audit Virtual Forums are interactive MS Teams-based discussions which invite you to converse and collaborate with peers, section 151 officers, and guest speakers, and share your own experiences.

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General schedule 2024

This may be subject to change as we go through the year:  

Heads of Internal Audit Virtual Forum

Local Authority Internal Audit Virtual Forum
Date Topic Date Topic
 December IPPF Readiness (Tbc)  November IPPF Readiness (Tbc)