With the risks arising from an unhealthy corporate culture once again in the spotlight, today new research has revealed that boards are not taking culture seriously. This is despite the visible impact a culture crisis can have on reputation, public trust, and damage to long-term sustainability.
The Chartered Institute of Internal Auditor’s (Chartered IIA) latest report Cultivating a healthy culture: Why internal audit and boards must take corporate culture more seriously in a post-Covid world is based on a survey of over one hundred senior internal audit executives from the private, public, and third sectors across the UK and Ireland.
The survey found:
With organisations facing significant challenges in attracting and retaining talent, it has never been more important for boards to ensure they focus on cultivating and embedding a healthy corporate culture. This includes ensuring workplaces are more equal, diverse, and inclusive to boost productivity and enhance employee well-being. The survey also found that the top three risks that have the biggest impact on the corporate culture are: human resources, talent management, and recruitment and retention risk (64.5%); inclusion, equality, and diversity risk (34.1%); health, safety and staff wellbeing (31.6%).
However, this research highlights the risk of a post-Covid organisational culture crisis, exacerbated by a lack of leadership from the top, that now needs to be urgently addressed by boards. With large swaths of the workforce being forced to work remotely for much of the last two years, and the move towards ‘hybrid’ working in the longer term, many organisations are grappling with how to promote, embed, and sustain their culture going forwards.
The Chartered IIA’s report is therefore urging boards to be pro-active and use their internal audit function to provide assurance when it comes to corporate culture, and where necessary recommend management take corrective action to address cultural erosion and decay.
“Recent culture-related scandals have unfortunately shone a spotlight on the impacts associated with an unhealthy organisational culture – including catastrophic damage to reputation, public trust, and value. Yet as our research demonstrates those at the top do not appear to be taking the risks associated with corporate culture seriously. Urgent action is now required by leaders across all sectors to cultivate a healthy corporate culture to protect reputation and long-term sustainability. With organisations adopting new working models in a post-Covid world, now is the time for boards to get a grip on corporate culture, including seeking assurance from their internal audit functions.”
“Company directors must start taking corporate culture more seriously. A series of company collapses linked to unhealthy cultures, whether that be BHS, Carillion, Greensill or Patisserie Valerie, have demonstrated why cultivating a healthy culture, underpinned by the right tone from the top, is fundamental to business success. The UK Corporate Governance Code makes clear the board’s responsibility to promote, monitor, and assess the culture and I urge businesses to ensure they are compliant. As the audit regulator, we want to see progress accelerated in this area. Internal audit has a vital role to play in providing assurance and reports to the board that the culture is healthy.”
“It is clear the dramatic examples of governance breaches we are currently witnessing are facilitated by the mindsets, behaviours, and beliefs of those in the boardroom and C-Suite. Boards of directors, executives and non-executives alike, are ultimately responsible for overseeing the development of healthy corporate cultures, and feigning a lack of understanding of how to do this is no longer acceptable. The insights, practices, case studies, success stories, and recommendations showcased in this research report will make it even more difficult for boards to say to stakeholders and regulators that they have no control or influence over the cultivation of culture in their organisations.”
“I applaud the Chartered IIA for its excellent thought-leadership on cultivating a healthy corporate culture and for raising the bar of the internal audit profession on this business-critical risk. I echo the call for boards to pay more attention to the corporate culture and ensure they are also walking the walk on ‘how we do things around here’. Internal auditors have an important role to play in supporting boards to embed, assess, and monitor the culture, and whilst there has been progress it is clear far more need to step up.”
The full report, Cultivating a healthy culture: Why boards and internal audit must take corporate culture more seriously in a post-Covid world, which has been published in partnership with Audit Board and with insights from the London Business School Leadership Institute, is available here.
For more information or further comment, please contact Gavin Hayes, our Head of Policy and External Affairs on 07900 195 591, or via email at gavin.hayes@iia.org.uk.