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London Hosts Global Conference for Internal Auditors

7 July 2014

Internal audit’s role in supporting the drive to change corporate and institutional behaviour is the underlying theme of the IIAs international conference, which takes place at London’s ExCel from Monday 7 July - Wednesday 9 July. 

More than 2,000 are expected to attend the 73rd Annual International Conference of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) at the ExCel London Exhibition and Conference Centre. 

'Each year, top internal auditors gather at this conference to discuss issues that can significantly impact how businesses, governments and non-profits operate worldwide,' said IIA President and CEO Richard F. Chambers, CIA, CGAP, CCSA, CRMA. 'The profession routinely deals with weighty and relevant issues, such as deterring financial fraud and corruption, mitigating cybersecurity threats, and finding ways to enhance business value while helping preserve the planet.' 

A major focus for the conference will be how internal auditors can support businesses in better managing and communicating what they do to address a wide range of risks, particularly non-financial risks. 

Key speakers will include Alastair Campbell, on his experience of helping to communicate and drive a different vision for the UK in the 1990s, and Professor Mervyn King, the Chair of the International Integrated Reporting Council.

Integrated reporting calls for concise communication about how an organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects lead to the creation of value over the short, medium and long term. The process has drawn strong support from proponents of sustainability. 

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales notes research by A4S on how to future-proof decision-making demonstrated that : 'Boards struggled to see how environmental or social issues had a place at their table.  They saw them better dealt with by a sustainability team tucked away in the organization doing good work, but not something that should have any bearing on core business activities.  And yet, as A4S has only too clearly shown, these issues can, and will, have a profound impact on the bottom line, both now and even more so in the future.' 

The IIA is working in close partnership with the International Integrated Reporting Council to promote integrated reporting.  

The conference will also explore the role internal audit can play in addressing how corrupt and illegal practices can be a result of poor corporate cultures.  Michael Woodford, former Olympus Chief Executive will share his experiences as the whistleblower who exposed the biggest fraud in Japanese corporate history.  

Dr Ian Peters, Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors said: 'As organisations come under increasing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to improving standards of behaviour and accountability they must use their internal audit functions more effectively to support change.'