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Student blog

We know how challenging studying can be, especially when you have a full time job on the side! The important thing to remember is you're not alone. We asked some student members to share their experiences.

Top tips for balancing study, work and life 23 March 2018

Annie shares what worked for her when study for the first exam.

Overcoming the challenges of CIA part three 24 July

Hear how Andrew overcame the challenges of CIA part three and how you can too.

Sitting a multiple choice exam 14 June

Mags shares her hints and tips for tackling a multiple choice exam. 

Why attending a workshop was a good idea 31 May

Chris shares what he found useful as a result of attending a workshop, some of which he expected beforehand and some of which came as a bit of a surprise.

Juggling work, life AND study 22 May

Balancing work and life is always a challenge, but throwing study into the mix can sometimes seem all too much. We hear from a student who successfully completed the juggling act. 

How the CIA Learning System helps you study 22 May

A current student explores the CIA learning system and how she found it useful. 

If you are a current or former CIA student and would like to share your thoughts with other students, please contact