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Student transition to 2024 IPPF Global Internal Audit Standards

On January 9 2025 new Global Internal Audit StandardsTM will take effect.

During the transition period your syllabus will continue to reference the 2017 IPPF/Standards.

We explain the transition below.

Members currently registered on any of the programmes, or those looking to register, are urged to continue with their studies.

Please note that we will be publishing additional information on this page as it becomes available.

Should you have any questions, please contact

For more information on the changes click here 

Certified Internal Auditor

The CIA syllabus will be changing in May 2025. 

As with any education program, the CIA syllabus is regularly reviewed to ensure it remains current and relevant and, as you may have seen, the IIA’s Standards are being significantly updated and will become effective in January 2025. Because the CIA Syllabus is based heavily on the Standards, a new CIA syllabus has been developed in response.  

 As a result, significant changes have been made in order to 

  • Bring the exams up to date with the current global practice of internal auditing. 
  • Create greater alignment between the CIA syllabi and The IIA’s new Global Internal Audit Standards. 
  • Minimize duplication and overlap among the three exam parts. 
  • Clarify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that exam candidates must possess in order to pass the exam. 

A full and detailed explanation of the changes and why they’re being made can be downloaded here. You can download the revised CIA syllabus here.

The new CIA syllabus will go live on 1st May 2025. From that date onwards, all CIA exams will be based on the new syllabus, and the current exams will be no longer available. The last date that exams can be taken under the current syllabus will be 30th April 2025. 

We understand that syllabus changes can inevitably be an unsettling time for students, but the Chartered IIA is here to help guide you through the process. Hopefully any questions you may have will be answered below, but if not please feel free to contact the Student Support team at 


Candidate Scenarios 


I’m looking to register on the CIA, but haven’t yet. Should I wait?  

Our recommendation is that it’s best to complete CIA Parts 1 & 2 under the same syllabus, so if you feel confident that you can complete the first two exams by 1st May 2025 then you are welcome to do so. We currently advise that CIA Parts 1 & 2 require a minimum of 100 hours of study each in order to pass the exam. 

We will also be running extra Masterclasses in January and February to help support you taking exams under the current syllabus.  

Alternatively, you could wait a few months and register in the autumn when we’ll be taking enrolments on our new tuition program, and then sit the exams under the new syllabus next year. 

Completing two exams by May 2025 may be difficult so on balance we would recommend waiting for the new tuition program and exams, but it’s important to choose the path that’s right for you, so if you would like to get started sooner you’re welcome to do so. 


I’ve enrolled on the CIA but haven’t sat any exams yet

Your best course of action will depend on how long you’ve been enrolled and how far away your deadline is. 

If you’ve only recently enrolled then you may want to consider waiting until the new syllabus comes in, but bear in mind your deadline won’t be extended because of the syllabus change so the longer you wait, the less time you’ll have. 

If your deadline is approaching, then you may wish to get started as soon as possible. We will be running additional Masterclasses in January and February to help students enrolled on the current syllabus, and any exams you pass prior to the syllabus change won’t need to be resat  so long as you complete the program before your deadline. 


I’ve only completed CIA Part 1 

As CIA Parts 1 and CIA Part 2 are both very closely aligned with the Standards, ideally you should try to sit both exams under the same syllabus if possible as this would prevent you having to study the old standards and the new standards.  

However if it’s not possible to complete Part 2 before the change, don’t worry, you’ll keep your Part 1 credit and be fully supported in completing Parts 2 & 3. 


I’ve completed CIA Parts 1 & 2, but not CIA Part 3 

CIA Part 3 includes areas outside internal audit and so has limited references to the Standards You may wish to consider sitting CIA Part 3 under the new syllabus if possible as it’s is slightly smaller and more focused. 


Will we get an extension? 

Free extensions won’t be offered solely on the basis of the syllabus. However candidates will be able to apply for a free hardship extension in cases where there are exceptional circumstances, or pay for a single 12 month extension. For more information on extensions, please see the Certification Candidate Handbook, available via the Resources section of your CCMS account. 


What’s happening with tuition? 

We are currently developing a new tuition programme that is aligned to the new syllabus. This programme will provide you with all the support you need to complete the CIA.  Registration on the new program will open later in the year, and further details will be announced shortly. 


I’m booked on a Masterclass, but I now want to wait for the new syllabus. 

Please email our Learning team at who will arrange the cancellation with you. 


Can I opt out of the new syllabus? 

No. The old syllabus and exams will be retired for all students on 1 May 2025. 


Can I start sitting my exams under the new syllabus now? 

No. You will need to wait until May 2025 to sit exams under the new syllabus. 


I’ve passed the CIA under the current syllabus. Is it worth less than CIAs awarded after May 2025?

Absolutely not. The syllabus changes from time to time but the CIA award remains the same. No distinction is made between CIAs awarded under different syllabi. 


I’ve failed an exam and want to retake it after 1st May 2025. Will my resit be under the current syllabus? 

No. All exams, including resits, will be under the new syllabus from 1st May onwards. If you want to resit your exam under the current syllabus, you’ll need to schedule it no later than 30th April 2025.  

Because students have to wait 30 days between resits, please be aware that if you fail an exam in April 2025 you will not have the option of taking your resit under the current syllabus.  


You can find further FAQs at and if you have any further questions please contact the Student Support team at  


Chartered by Learning

The syllabus will be updated to reflect the new Standards.

Cohorts commencing their studies in March 2025 will be examined against the new Standards.   As this will be the first review of the Chartered by Learning syllabus, we expect that there will be further changes to the pedagogy and the assessment methodology.  These will be communicated in due course and we will support students who are currently on programme to transition to the revised syllabus.

The publication date of the new syllabus has not been agreed yet, and will be communicated as soon as this has been confirmed.

Chartered by Experience

The competencies for the Chartered by Learning assessment will be updated, but the revised competencies are unlikely to be assessed before January 2025.


Changes to the IIA Certificate, Internal Audit Practitioner, and the Certified Internal Auditor will also be reflected in the End Point Assessment for both the Level 4 and Level 7 apprenticeships.   Depending on the exact implementation dates of the professional certifications, Level 4 apprentices who go through gateway based on the existing internal Audit Practitioner syllabus will be assessed on the existing standards. Similarly, Level 7 apprentices going to gateway based on the current Chartered by Learning syllabus will be assessed against the existing standards. We will communicate further with training providers to provide clarity for all parties.


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