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Local Authority Internal Audit Virtual Forum

Welcome to our Local Authority Internal Audit Virtual Forum. A monthly virtual forum aimed at internal auditors in local authorities, providing an open environment to share knowledge and experience, air concerns and support each other under Chatham House rules.

Why join us?

Our Local Authority Internal Audit Virtual Forum was originally established in response to the pandemic and the need for internal auditors to have a space to share experiences and seek guidance from the institute on specific topics of interest or concern. This original purpose remains and our invitation list has now grown to several hundred people across the community.

The forum is informally connected to several regional internal audit groups across the UK and Ireland and closely engaged with the Chief Auditor Network representing heads of internal audit across the local authority network. We take input from discussions with these groups as we shape our agenda.  

The forum meets for one hour on a monthly basis, normally the last Wednesday of the month at 3:30pm.

If you work in this community and would like to converse and collaborate with peers and guest speakers (usually subject matter experts) or hear technical and practical guidance, where relevant, from the Chartered IIA please just ask to join us.

The forum is chaired by Piyush Fatania, a member of our council, with support from Anne Kiem, our CEO, Ann Brook, Head of Technical Guidance and Research and Derek Jamieson, Head of Membership. 


How to join us

The forum is invitation-only. Please contact to request an invitation or to offer to present.

Forum schedule

All meetings take place monthly on a Wednesday at 15:30 on MS Teams and run for 45 minutes. 

Please see below the indicative schedule for 2024. This may be subject to change. 

Date  Discussion topic

IPPF Readiness (Tbc)

Latest key takeaways

Stay abreast of our forums as they happen. To help you keep track and understand what's covered, we have labelled all of our recent forums by their headline topics. 


9 October |  Reflections for Internal Audit following the general elections

25 September | Risk in Focus 2025

26 June | Root Cause Analysis 

29 May | Developing your internal Audit Strategy 

24 April | Recruitment and Retention 

27 March | IPPF

28 February | Internal audit provision

31 January | Shaping the future


13 December | Review of 2023

29 November | Digital Services

25 October | Global Internal Audit Standards 

27 September | Risk in Focus 2024

26 July | Audit Committee LGA

21 June | Trusted Advisor 

31 May | Integrated Risk Management

26 April | Capita - Roadmap to Resilience

29 March  | 2023 from an Internal Audit Perspective

01 March | Internal Audit Plan

25 January | Annual Opinion


14 December | Internal Audit and Risk

23 November | Effective Communication

26 October | Future Generations

28 September | Risk Appetite and Tolerance

21 September | Risk in Focus 2023

24 August | Modern Slavery

27 July | Cyber Response Plans

22 June | Cashflow Management in local authorities 

Earlier key takeaways

Our Local Authority Internal Audit Virtual Forum has been running since July 2020. All key takeaways from July 2020 to June 2021 can be found on our archive page, which you can access by following the link below.

Access earlier key takeaways

Supporting information

CIPFA guidance
Guidance on providing an opinion during the pandemic crisis.