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IIA Global governance structure - changes approved

IIA Global's governance structure will change next year following a consultation with members that saw overwhelming support for the proposed changes.

The new governance structure was approved at IIA Global's annual business meeting on 9 May 2018.
This will:

  • Reduce the size of the Global Board of Directors to 17 from 38 members. The Board will include no fewer than six members from outside North America and six from North America.
  • Establish a six-member Supervisory Committee that will advise the CEO on issues and initiatives, and also serves as the Compensation Committee. The existing Executive Committee will be eliminated.
  • Establish a new Global Assembly, replacing the existing Global Council, and includes a formal designee from each international Affiliate. Members will provide input to the Global Board on key IIA Global initiatives, priorities, and other activities.

The changes will take effect in July 2019.

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