As a member of the Chartered IIA, you are required to maintain and improve your knowledge, skills and other competencies throughout your career. Our CPE policy provides a framework in which to do this.
CPE reporting for members with Global certifications is now open until 31st December. CPE reporting is conducted via your CCMS account, but if you require any assistance please contact
Following recent changes to IIA Global’s Annual Certification Renewal Policy, anyone holding a Global designation – including the CIA – will have it “revoked” if they fail to report their CPE for three or more consecutive years. Once an individual’s certification has been “revoked” they can no longer use their designation and their membership class may revert from Voting to Affiliate membership.
If you have had your CIA revoked, then the only way to hold the designation again is to re-enrol on the CIA and resit all three exams. You will not be required to repurchase your tuition, but we strongly recommend that you do so as the syllabus is likely to have changed since your original enrolment.
Alternatively, we will still accept members who have had their CIAs revoked onto the Chartered by Learning program in order to gain Chartered status. If you would like to take up this opportunity, please email for further information.
Please note that Chartered members are required to make a free annual declaration to the Chartered IIA confirming compliance with our CPE Policy. Chartered members who have had their CIAs revoked are likely to be asked to provide their CMIIA CPE to the Charted IIA to ensure compliance. Failure to comply with the Chartered IIA’s CPE Policy may ultimately result in the termination of your membership.
Depending on your designation, you are expected to comply with either the Chartered IIA’s CPE policy, or the IIA Global Certification Renewals Policy. It is important that you ensure you are reporting to the correct body as there are important differences between in the two policies.
Members who hold the CIA, either on its own or in combination with another designation, must comply with the IIA Global Certification Renewals Policy and report CPE to IIA Global via CCMS. This is also the case if the second designation is a Chartered IIA designation like CMIIA.
Please download the IIA Global Certifications Renewals Policy and read it carefully. You can also access additional guidance on the IIA Global website.
Click here to download our CPE policy.
Members who hold only designations issued by the Chartered IIA (PIIA, CMIIA, QICA) report CPE to the Chartered IIA only.
The benefits of CPE aren’t just felt when you're going for promotion. Many employers now value 'learning agility' as a core competency. The ability and insight to manage your own professional growth is seen as a key strength.
CPE helps individuals:
The best way to approach your professional development is to link your CPE requirements to your organisation’s personal appraisal and development framework. That way your CPE plan forms part of your annual development plan, which your organisation is committed to helping you achieve.
If it's not possible to do that, then use the Internal Audit Competency Framework© to identify areas for development and set some objectives.
It is very important that you record and collect evidence of your activity so that if you are selected for CPE monitoring, you can submit it easily. You should retain this information for three years.
Keep a record of other CPE and get your line manager to sign it off.
Your CPE record should describe the activity that was undertaken together with the number of points claimed. You should also note your aims and objectives, what you learned and how you did or will apply it.
Our CPE record template will help you record your activity.
CPE is awarded and recorded in hours, but you may sometimes see the word points used. Broadly speaking, one hour equals one point. There is some flexibility, so an hour is considered to be a minimum of 50 minutes. For example, 100 minutes of activity counts for two points of CPE. We recognise 0.5 CPE points. So 25-30 minutes would count as worth 0.5 CPE points.
Understand what’s required of CFIIA, CMIIA, PIIA and QICA members at a CPE compliance level including how to submit evidence and where to send it.
Get to know your CPE requirements as a Certified Internal Auditor and learn what counts as CPE.
Learn more about our CPE accreditation scheme and how it benefits organisations who employ Institute members.
For further details, please email