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Member benefits

Comprehensive benefits to suit your needs

Working in internal audit is exciting and rewarding - but can also be challenging. We’re here to help you with relevant information, guidance and support whenever you need it.

As a Chartered IA member, you enjoy a wide range of exclusive and convenient benefits, including:

Guidance and technical support

  • Extensive online technical guidance, created by industry experts and practising internal auditors
  • Personalised advice and support, from our technical team
  • Access to our dedicated job site, to view the latest internal audit employment opportunities

Professional development

  • Recognised career pathways, designed to help you advance your internal audit career
  • Exclusive short skills courses covering specialist subjects (Chartered IIA members save £200!)
  • Regular news, views and insights via our in-house magazine, Audit & Risk

Networking and events 

  • A comprehensive programme of workshops, seminars and events – including conferences
  • Regular occasions to connect with peers through our regional network
  • Opportunities to refine your skills – and develop new ones – by volunteering
  • Daily social media content, sharing highlights from our calendar

Opportunities to influence internal audit

  • Scope to shape the profession for you and your colleagues, through the opinions and recommendations you put forward
  • Ability to contribute to policy, regulation and guidance development, as part of our volunteer-led guidance working group

Don't forget... 

All new and existing members must follow:


If you have any queries about your membership benefits, please email or call 020 7498 0101.