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Customer service

At the Chartered IIA, we aim to give our customers the best experience possible. We seek to continuously improve our products and services and welcome your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Our approach to customer complaints

Individuals (whether members or non-members) wishing to raise a complaint about a Chartered IIA product, service or member of staff must complete and submit a complaints form. 

Receipt of your complaint will be acknowledged within 10 working days.

A full response will be sent within 20 working days of receipt.  If further investigation is required, then you will be informed of this with a timeline for conclusion of the investigation.

Click here to access our complaints form. 


If you’re not satisfied with the solution offered, or the way that your complaint has been dealt with, please refer the matter to our Chief Executive:

Anne Kiem (CEO) 

Our Chief Executive will review your complaint, how it has been handled and whether any further action is needed. All such complaints will receive a full reply from the chief executive within 20 working days of receipt.