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How the organisation is run

The Chartered IIA is managed by the Council of Directors and the staff.

The Council of Directors is made up of volunteer members and the Chief Executive. Together they are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Chartered IIA and for developing goals and objectives. They are accountable to members for the Chartered IIA's progress.

The Chair of Council is known as the President. He/she is elected annually by the institute's voting members.

The staff are led by the Chief Executive who is responsible for the day to day running of the Chartered IIA.

Council is supported by four committees which report to Council on specific aspects of the organisation's management and activities.

Volunteers are essential to the Chartered IIA. All committee positions are held by members on a volunteer basis, many with the generous support of their employers. Go to volunteering for details of how to get involved. 

What our Royal Charter gives us

Currently there are about 400 chartered bodies actively within the purview of the Privy council.

As a chartered institute, we are able to grant the status of Chartered Internal Auditor to members who have either completed our approved career pathway or been assessed via our chartered by experience route. 

These members can use the designation CMIIA, showing that they have achieved the highest professional standing for internal auditors in the UK and Ireland. Chartered Internal Auditors who have also been granted Fellowship of the IIA can use the designation CFIIA.

Being a member of a chartered professional body brings greater status and recognition for all our members. It also helps us to achieve our goals of raising the profile and influence of the profession and growing our membership.

We are a company incorporated by Royal Charter (England/Wales), number RC000840.

View our Royal Charter and Byelaws

What were the criteria for becoming a chartered institute?

To receive our Royal Charter, the institute had to demonstrate support amongst our stakeholders and satisfy Privy Council's criteria:

  • The institute should comprise most of the eligible field of members of a unique profession
  • Voting members of the institute should be qualified at first degree level in a relevant discipline
  • The institute should be financially sound and able to demonstrate a track of achievement over a number of years
  • There must be a clear case that conferring a Royal Charter would serve the public interest
  • The institute is of substantial size, with over 5000 members.

Governance handbook

The governance handbook is a reference resource for members of the institute and for members of the Council and Committees. It sets out the governance framework within which Directors and committee members operate.

Read it here