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Student membership: Join today (CIA Challenge Exam)

As a CIA student, you have the opportunity to study for and gain our valuable Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certification, which will kick-start your career and boost your reputation and standing in the profession.

Members of relevant qualified accountancy bodies including ACCA, ICAEW, ICAS, CPA Ireland and Chartered Accountants Ireland Institute can join us as a Student member with the opportunity to complete the CIA via a single Challenge Exam.

For a full list of membership fees, see our fees page.

You can find the full list of eligible qualified accountancy bodies here

A CIA Exam application fee and exam fees totalling $1,255 will also be payable via IIA Global's candidate certification system.

Please read the certification candidate handbook before you register.

Course registration

Please complete the form below to apply to become a CIA student. The CIA Challenge Exam Masterclasses can be booked here

The form asks you to select your preferred UK region for study. Browse the regions to decide which region you would like to link to.

Please note: When you apply to become a CIA Student, you agree to: 

Eligibility to apply for the CIA
Your details
Your employer
Communication preferences

Regional preferences
Payment: Who is paying?

I agree to comply with
How did you hear about the IIA?

What is your ethnic origin? (We will use this information purely to monitor membership diversity)


How we will use that information

We will use your information to deliver your member services and process any other orders or requests you may have. You may update your information and mailing preferences online or by emailing

Your privacy is important to us and we will never share your information with any third parties other than our contracted suppliers (for example, to arrange delivery of your member magazine).

For more information on please read our data protection policy 

All joining members are subject to our Fair Collection Notice and Privacy Policy

Information disclosure

We may provide confirmation of your membership status to your current or prospective employers or employment reference agencies. By submitting this form you consent to our doing so.

Terms and conditions

Payment must be received within 30 days of the invoice date after which standard prices will apply. Please read the terms and conditions of membership.