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Apprenticeship registration process: CIA part 1 (Internal Audit Practitioner)

As part of your internal audit practitioner apprenticeship, you’ll study for the Internal Audit Practitioner designation. This is the foundation level programme which provides access onto the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certification. 

You should already be a  member of the Chartered IIA, so your next step is to complete the short form below to register.

Once you’ve submitted the form below, we’ll send you details of how to register with IIA Global and book your exam. We’ll also place your order for your place on the Internal Audit Practitioner tuition programme.  

Inclusion on an Internal Audit Practitioner eight week tuition programme is included within your apprenticeship programme.


Register as an Internal Audit Practitioner student

Your details

Terms & Conditions

Information disclosure

We may provide confirmation of your membership status to your current or prospective employers or employment reference agencies. By submitting this form you consent to our doing so.

Please read our study programme terms and conditions