The Chartered IIA revised its qualifications framework in 2015 to embrace IIA Global's suite of certifications.
Members who passed the IIA Diploma were awarded the PIIA designation. Although we (the Chartered IIA) continue to recognise the designation, the PIIA ceased being awarded after June 2018. At the point of transition, PIIA holders were eligible to accept the CIA.
The Certified Internal Auditor route replaced the IIA Diploma as our premium certification for professionally qualified internal auditors.
Members who completed the IIA Advanced Diploma were entitled to use the CMIIA designation and call themselves a Chartered Internal Auditor. The IIA Advanced Diploma was replaced by the Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership (QIAL) in 2015 as the main route to Chartered membership.
In December 2021, IIA Global announced that it would withdraw the QIAL programme. The final exams for the QIAL are due to take place in December 2022. The decision was to not replace QIAL with another leadership certification. Instead, our Chartered by Learning programme has replaced the QIAL as the main route to Chartered membership.