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Chartered by Learning – accreditation for organisations

Looking to gain Chartered IIA accreditation to offer our Chartered by Learning programme through your organisation? Here's everything you need to know.

Why become accredited?

To help Chartered IIA members access the type of support they need, our accreditation policy allows any external body to apply for accreditation to offer the Chartered by Learning programme to Chartered IIA members.

Any organisation can apply and be an accredited provided, as long as you meet our criteria.

You can find all criteria, including how long your application will take, in our Accreditation Guidance Document. To begin your application, you'll need to complete this application form.

Alternatively, if you have any questions, please email

Application criteria 

To gain accreditation, your organisation should meet these requirements:

  1. Any programmes to be accredited should not only be in line with the syllabus, but also IPPF and the Competency Framework for Internal Auditors.  
  2. The learner experience allows for well-rounded professional internal auditors rather than coaching candidates to pass the exams. 
  3. That the accredited provider continuously assesses the quality of the programme. 
  4. The programme closely monitors the progress of candidates, intervening when progress is slower than expected or candidates are not working to the required level. 
  5. Faculty and staff supporting candidates should be experienced and qualified internal auditors. 
  6. Candidates have access to a wide range of resources. 
  7. All support must reflect the professional practice.  
  8. That the provider has ascertained the demand for the Chartered by Learning programme and that it is financially sustainable and unlikely to be cancelled while candidates are attending the course. 
  9. That diversity and inclusion be embedded as part of the ethos of the organisation and the programme. 
  10. The programme emphasises the critical role of ethics for the profession.  

Application process 

Before applying, be sure to study our guidance carefully to make sure your organisation follows the requirements of the Chartered IIA, and familiarise yourself with the terms of the accreditation agreement included in the guidance. 

When we receive your application, we’ll let you know and forward your application to an independent reviewer to assess it against the criteria set out in the guidance document.  When a decision is made, the reviewer will inform us of their decision, which we’ll communicate to your organisation.  If you’re successful, you’ll be invited to meet with the Chartered IIA to establish the parameters of the accreditation agreement and the process will be formalised by signing an agreement. This agreement will remain in place for three years.  

Applying organisations are required to upload a detailed document on each on the following: 

  • Basic information on the organisation, including a motivation and testimonials from two organisations the business has dealt with. 
  • Information on the expected numbers and promotion of courses. 
  • Administrative support available to candidates. 
  • Details about the instruction and delivery of the programme. 
  • Explanation on programme’s alignment to the IPPF, competency frameworks and other standards and regulations. 
  • Details outlining the learner support and experience. 
  • Quality assurance measures. 
  • Measures for formative assessment and monitoring candidate progress. 
  • Details about faculty and trainers who will be supporting candidates. 
  • The resources that candidates will have access to. 
  • Explanation of how the support will reflect professional practice. 
  • Details about the market being targeted. 
  • How the organisation will embed diversity and inclusion within the programme.  

You can find details about the expected contents for each area on the electronic form that you’ll use to upload the documentation.   

Applying organisations should provide as much detail as necessary for an informed decision.  All applications will be reviewed by an external assessor and will be treated in the strictest of confidence. 

Once the applying organisation has documented the requirements, these can be uploaded and submitted using the online form.  


A few of the key terms are given below, and applying organisations should see the guidance document for the complete terms. 

  1. It is expected that the accredited organisation will establish a collaborative and cooperative relationship with the Chartered IIA to support not only our studying members, but our members in general, regions, and the Chartered IIA itself.  
  2. The accreditation agreement doesn’t include any study materials or other resources, and the applying organisation need to develop these materials.  
  3. All candidates are expected to complete the compulsory formative assessments, achieving the required mark to be eligible to sit the exam. 
  4. The Chartered IIA will have two exam sittings per year, one in January and one in July. 
  5. All prospective candidates must be members of the Chartered IIA, and must be have received confirmation of registration prior to enrolling on the programme with the provider.  
  6. As members of the Chartered IIA, we reserve the right to contract any candidates directly without the prior agreement of the provider.  


Once we’ve approved your application, you’ll pay an annual accreditation fee of £1,000  p.a. for the three years that the accreditation agreement is in place.  In addition, you’ll need to pay a fee of £575 per candidate per module to cover the costs of assessment. 


If you have a question about any part of the application process, please contact