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Interpersonal skills

Developing and maintaining the technical skills to be a competent internal auditor is essential at all career stages.

The guidance and resources on this page should be considered as a start point to your learning journey.

IPPF links | Guidance Additional resources 

Main IPPF links

Core Principle 2 | Demonstrates competence and due professional care

Core Principle 6 | Demonstrates quality and continuous improvement

 Core Principles

1210 Proficiency   Implementation guidance
1230 Continuing professional development  Implementation guidance

Take time to think about your personal development plans and CPE requirements.

A useful tool is Global IIA's 2020 Internal Audit Competency Framework©

Guidance A-Z

Chartered IIA
Audit competencies (2020) Coaching (2013) Communication (2015)
Interpersonal skills (2012) Mentoring (2012)  
Presentation skills (2014) Effective Report Writing (2022)  
Difficult clients (2015) Working with stakeholders (2012) Meeting stakeholder expectations (2015)
Dealing with regulators (2021) IA's relationship with regulators (2021)  
IIA Global
Internal audit competencies (2018)

Additional resources 

Codes of practice | Financial services, private and third sector

Need help to find what you are looking for? ask the resources team

Content reviewed: 24 May 2024