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Technical blog

Our Technical Blog has now resumed focusing on supporting the transition to the new Global Internal Audit Standards 2024 and the work we are doing to support this. You can find these pinned in the menu to the left hand side for ease. 

New Standards 2024 - the IPPF evolution

Read all about the changes and timeline for publication

Drop-In IA Clinic  

The Drop-in clinic takes place the last Wednesday in every month at 11:30am. All are welcome!


A perfect storm of governance failings | 31 July

Organisational governance assurance | 16 January

Quick heads up in advance of proposed Topical Guidance on this topic


Fundamental review of Trading Book | 04 October

Concise heads up on change and questions to consider

Inflation risk for internal auditors | 23 August

A short practical read for internal auditors 

Auditing programmes and projects | 17 August

Live virtual 2-day course in November 2023 run by The Chartered Institute (open to members and non-members)

5 steps to create an assurance map | 16 August

Practical advice to create an assurance map

Assurance over core processes | 28 July 

Identifying core processes to maintain organisational resilience 

Are you ready for the new Procurement Bill? | 19 July 

Heads up on the new Procurement Bill

Advance your audit technology journey | 4 July 

Seven steps to harness technology 

Skills in a crisis | 29 June 

Skills internal auditors need in a crisis

New model risk management rules | 29 June 

Update of regulatory expectations for MRM

Consumer duty for internal auditors | 06 June 

Essential reading on the requirements and the role of internal audit

Harnessing technology for internal auditors | 30 May 

Find out how technology is your friend not your foe

Working capital - the essentials | 28 April 

Information about working capital for Internal Auditors

Do we really know our colleagues?| 19 April 

The internal threat of data leaking

Auditing in times of cost constraint | 1 April   

Explore five opportunities

Speaking truth to power | 23 February  

Read a guest blog by Sharon Hardcastle from Potential Squared. 

Defining Assurance | 06 January  

How can we define assurance? 

Past blog posts by topic

How to audit

Resilience and crisis plans Feb 20 CSR reporting Oct 19 Cyber and data security Nov 20
Why companies go bad Feb 17 Gender pay gap reporting Aug 18 Macro and geo uncertainty Nov 20
Non-financial reporting May 20 Occ pension schemes May 19 Pension risk May 21
Recruitment  Mar 18   SEARs Regime Dec 21  Net Zero Commitments Aug 21
Partnership Working - an NHS Perspective Nov 22 Auditing Collections for non-financial services organisations Sep 22  Consumer Duty - Outcome Testing Jul 22
Supply chain visibility Apr 22  Cashflow management in local authorities  Jul 22  

Technical and interpersonal skills 

Managing Uncertainty Mar 21 Reflections on Data Analytics Aug 21  
Feedback within IA  Apr 17 Giving feedback  Apr 17 Stakeholder engagement Apr 17
Data analytics - spreadsheets Jan 18 Defining Assurance Dec 21  Remote working and paper documents Apr 20
7 questions to for internal auditors to ask business leaders Feb 22 Use of the Five Cs in Communication Aug 22  

Internal audit leadership 

Adapting the audit plan Dec 20 Competing crises Aug 20 Adapting internal audit Jul 20
Leaders' Summit insights Apr 20 Impact and influence Jan 19 IAs role in digitilisation Aug 17
Better KPIs for IA Sep 17 Buying in IA resources Oct 17   
Impact and influence Jan 19 Internal audit in 2022: a benchmarking report Sep 22 Is your assurance integrated? Feb 22
Leaders' Summit insights Apr 20 Risk based auditing Jul 21  Fines for internal auditors  Dec 22

Climate emergency 

Climate and sustainability Jan 21 Climate disclosures Jan 21 Climate crisis - time to act Jan 20
Climate change assurance May 19 Is waste really recycled? Feb 19 Is plastic on your audit? Feb 18
Climate Risk Nov 20      

Topics A-H

International Anti-Corruption Day Dec 22 Apprenticeship levy Oct 17 Blockchain technology Apr 20 
Credit risk in fintech Dec 20 Crowdfunding Jul 18 Cryptocurrency Nov 20
 Fintech Jul 18 Financial control Oct 21 High impact low likelihood risks Sep 22  
Hybrid Working - factors to consider Jul 22    

Topics I-P

LIBOR transition Jun 21   Post-Brexit travel and IA Sep 21 Mental Health Aug 21
LIBOR Jun 21  

Topics Q-Z

Tax on termination payments  Jul 18 Tax: digital returns Mar 19 When 3 lines fail Sep 16
Whistleblowing Oct 18  Whistleblowing EU compliance Dec 21  

Content reviewed: 31 July 2024