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Governance is the combination of processes and structures that the board puts in place to inform, direct, manage and monitor the activities of an organisation to achievement its objectives.

The guidance and resources on this page should be considered as a start point to your learning journey.

IPPF links | GuidanceAdditional resources | Relevant position papers

Audit committees | Board effectiveness | Culture | Fraud | Governance | Reporting | Three lines model

Main IPPF links

Core Principles 

4. Aligns with the strategies, objectives, and risks of the organization.
8. Provides risk-based assurance.
9. Is insightful, proactive, and future-focused.
10. Promotes organisational improvement.

 Core principles

2110 Governance   Implementation guidance


Audit Committees 

Chartered IIA
What every director should know (2013) audit committee charter (2017) Audit committee effectiveness (2020)
When to establish IA activity? (2014) Models of effective internal audit (2015) Building effective internal audit (2017)
FS internal audit effectiveness (2018) 10 ways to get more from IA (2013) How IA works with the committee (2013)
AAP - role of internal audit (2021) How to facilitate creation of AAP (2021) Application of the Three Lines Model (2020)
CAE performance appraisal (2021) Independence, objectivity and tenure of a CAE (2021)
IIA Global 
Assessment for audit committees (2021) US model audit committee charter(2017) Appoint, perform and evaluate (2010)
Position Paper: The Internal Audit Charter (2019)
FRC and other third parties
FRC_Guidance on audit committees (2016) FRC Audit committee and external audit: minimum standards (2023)  

Board briefings | Access briefings on a range of topics. (2017)

Board briefings are designed for internal auditors to share with their audit committee, board and senior executives. 

Board effectiveness

Chartered IIA
Board evaluation  (2020) Board diversity (2018) Non-executive director recruitment (2020)
Presenting info on strategy (2020)    


Chartered IIA
Culture and the role of IA (2014) Culture and evolving approaches (2016) Models and tools (2020)
Organisational culture (2014) Conduct culture for all sectors and nonFS internal auditors (2023) Whistleblowing (2019)
Culture and Ethics - internal audit's role (Auditboard 2023)    
IIA Global  
Diversity and inclusion (2020) Driving an inclusive culture (IIA and Deloitte) (2022) Creating a sense of belonging at work (IIA and Deloitte) (2022)
Auditing risk culture (2022) Role of IA in supporting DEI (IIA and Deloitte) (2023)   


Chartered IIA
Fraud (2013) Engagement planning: fraud risks (2017) Anti-money laundering (2019)
 Fraud Risk Assessment (2022)    
IIA Global  
Internal auditing and fraud (2009)  Assessing fraud risk (2017) Managing the business risk of fraud (2008)
GTAG auditing insider threats (2018) GTAG13 Fraud prevention (2009)   


Chartered IIA
Corporate governance (2012) UK Corporate Governance Code (2020) Good corporate governance? (2012)
Financial viability (2021) Remuneration and bonuses (2019) Whistleblowing (2014)
Whistleblowing - a role for IA (2023)    

Reporting - public information such as annual reports 

Chartered IIA
Integrated reporting (2017) IA in non-financial and reporting (2017) Enhanced integrated reporting (2015)
Audit and assurance policy (AAP) - role of internal audit (2021) How to facilitate creation of AAP (2021) Viability statements (2020)

Three lines model - please note: the word 'defence' is no longer used. We are updating guidance 

Chartered IIA
Three Lines Model (2020) Assurance services (2016) Mapping assurance (2020)
Risk management and IA (2020) IA's relationship with regulators (2021) Working with stakeholders (2012)
AAP - role of internal audit (2021) How to facilitate creation of AAP (2021)  
IIA Global 
Developing an assurance map (2018) Risk management and assurance (2012) IA and the second line of defence (2016)
Reliance by internal audit on other assurance providers (2011)  Applying the Three Lines Model In the Public Sector (2022)  

Additional resources 

Codes of practice | Financial services, private and third sector

Harnessing the power of internal audit | A good corporate governance guide for audit committees and directors

Need help to find what you are looking for? ask the resources team

Chartered IIA Position Papers

The rotation of heads of audit

Relationship between audit committee chairs and chief audit executives

Internal audit's relationship with external audit

Internal audit and whistleblowing

The three lines of defence

Internal audit and corrupt practices

The role of internal audit in enterprise-wide risk management 

Content reviewed: 24 May 2024