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Board briefing: Risk in Focus 2021

Hot topics for internal auditors: the 2021 report

Risk in Focus is an annual report analysing the top business risks which organisations across Europe are facing.

Download the boardĀ briefing (pdf)

Read the full research report

Key findings

  1. The top three risks currently facing businesses in 10 European countries are: cybersecurity and data security (79%), regulatory change and compliance (59%) and digitalisation, new technology and AI (50%).
  2. For the first time ever, disasters and crisis response has been included in our survey, with 34% of Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) voting for it as a top 5 risk priority for their organisation.
  3. Climate change and environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly pressing issue for businesses, with 22% of CAEs citing it as a top 5 risk - an annual increase of 50% on the year before.

Content reviewed: 1 February 2023