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Audit & Risk magazines 2021

Issue 62: November/December 2021

Articles include: climate change – new guidance for audit committees; Richard Chambers on the future of the profession; award-winning internal audit at the British Heart Foundation; future-proofing the business model, the challenge for internal audit; nominations open for the Audit & Risk Awards; a new route to Chartered status; Risk in Focus 2022.

Download Audit & Risk issue 62: November/December 2021 pdf

Issue 61: September/October 2021

Articles include: views on the profession from the winners of the A&R Inspirational Leader Award; interview with Ciaran Martin, founding CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre; auditing at the speed of risk; how to choose internal audit software; diversity in the internal audit profession; Risk in Focus 2022.

Download Audit & Risk issue 61: September/October 2021 pdf

Issue 60: July/August 2021

Articles include: The Audit & Risk Award winners: auditing culture in a post-Covid environment; how internal audit is evolving to deal with disruption; how to communicate in a virtual world; top tips on preparing for an EQA; the Chartered IIA's response to the BEIS proposals to restore trust in audit.

Download Audit & Risk issue 60: July/August 2021 pdf

Issue 59: May/June 2021

Articles include: the benefits of collaboration; the Audit & Risk Awards shortlist; interview with Anthony J Pugliese, the new president of IIA Global; the impact of the government's proposals on audit reform; how to enhance ethical thinking for internal auditors; challenges for internal audit in the future; interview with the winner of the 2019 Audit & Risk Best Newcomer Award.

Download Audit & Risk issue 59: May/June 2021 pdf


Issue 58: March/April 2021

Articles include: how to audit cybercrime risk and contribute to a strong cyber culture; post-pandemic fraud risks; meet the new Chartered IIA president; changes to the Chartered IIA's Financial Services Code.

Download Audit & Risk issue 58: March/April 2021 pdf

Issue 57: January/February 2021

Articles include: internal audit skills for the future; vital post-pandemic lessons; why choose the chartered by experience route to membership; what ARA Gloucestershire gained from an EQA; Audit & Risk Awards –  award-winning work at BEIS/DCMS; a new role for internal audit in local authority governance.

Download Audit & Risk issue 57 January February 2021 pdf