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Audit & Risk magazines 2024

Issue 78: July/August 2024

Articles include: Professor Hannah Fry discusses how humans plus machines will improve our work and lives; the winners of the A&R Awards 2024 revealed - along with the judges' comments; a letter to the new UK government about why we need audit reform to restore trust; award-winning internal audit at Save the Children International; the emerging risks of social media and how to audit them; update on the new Internal Audit Global Standards and the resources to guide you through implementation; how the new Global Standards will affect those studying for IIA and Chartered IIA designations; view from Anthony Pugliese, President and CEO of IIA Global.

Download Audit & Risk issue 78: July/August 2024


Issue 77: May/June 2024

Articles include: Eight ways the Chartered IIA's Internal Audit Code of Practice adds to and exceeds the Global Standards; why collaboration is essential to meet the challenges (and reap the opportunities) facing internal audit leaders in local authorities; award-winning work at HMRC's internal audit team; what internal audit teams can do to increase their value in environmental, social and governance (ESG) work; insights into cyber threats and what internal audit can do to help organisations protect against cyber crime; meet the judges for the Audit & Risk Awards; new courses to help you improve your understanding of root-cause analysis.

Download Audit & Risk issue 77: May/June 2024


Issue 76: March/April 2024

Articles include: Everything you need to know about supply chain ESG risks and resilience – why do they matter so much and what can internal audit do about them; the A&R Awards Shortlist revealed; Elizabeth Honer, former CEO of the Government Internal Audit Agency, on her career to date and how she thinks internal audit could develop in future; award-winning work BNY Mellon's Investment Management internal audit team; the hidden dangers of artificial intelligence and why internal auditors need to be aware of risks such as sleeper agents buried in the systems; questions to ask about deepfakes and misinformation risk; the increased need for robust internal audit in the revised Corporate Governance Code; the benefits of Chartered IIA training on geopolitical risks.

Download Audit & Risk issue 76: March/April 2024




Issue 75: January/February 2024

Articles include: Meet the president - who is Sandro Boeri and what does he want to achieve as President of the Chartered IIA? Introduction to the new Global Internal Audit Standards; award-winning internal audit at the Central Bank of Ireland; how internal auditors should be helping sustainability teams to measure their organisation's carbon footprint; why IIA and Chartered IIA designations are valued across the world and can lead to wide range of careers; why it's time to reassess root-cause analysis; focus on what you can learn in 2024 - and where you can find it; highlights of the Chartered IIA's latest reports on supply chains and ESG.

Download Audit & Risk issue 75: January/February 2024